Colorado Wilderness Study Areas

Wilderness Study Areas are places that are awaiting Congressional designation as Federally Designated Wilderness Areas. They’re generally managed by the BLM, and meet, or should meet the same standards for wilderness. That is to say nearly no roads, rugged of character, and often remote. The holdings of Wilderness Areas and Wilderness Study Areas are known as the National Land Conservation System, and are generally considered the crown jewels of the American West. Colorado is fortunate to have a general holding of WSAs as well as areas that are federally designated Wilderness Areas.

Data collection for this page is ongoing.

WSA NameAcreageGMUNomination Date
Adobe Badlands10,425January 1993
American Flats3,306January 1993
Ant Hills4,354January 1993
Beaver Creek28,0691980
Bill Hare Gulch76January 1993
Black Canyon1,200NA
Black Mountain10,1911980
Browns Canyon6,614January 1993
Bull Canyon11,777January 1993
Bull Gulch15,000January 1993
Cahone Canyon8,960January 1993
Camel Back10,402January 1993
Castle Peak11,940January 1993
Chew Winter Camp1,320January 1993
Cross Canyon11,580January 1993
Cross Mountain14,081January 1993
Demaree Canyon21,050January 1993
Diamond Breaks31,480January 1993
Dolores River Canyon28,668January 1993
Dominguez Canyon2,086
Eagle Mountain330January 1993
Hack Lake10January 1993
Handies Peak16,664January 1993
High Mesa Grassland680January 1993
Little Book Cliffs26,525January 1993
Lower Grape Creek11,220January 1993
McIntyre Hills16,650January 1993
McKenna Peak19,398January 1993
Menefee Mountain7,089January 1993
Needle Rock80January 1993
North Sand Hills791January 1993
Oil Spring Mountain17,740January 1993
Papa Keal400January 1993
Peterson Draw5,160January 1993
Platte River Contiguous30January 1993
Powderhorn7,022January 1993
Rare Lizard and Snake443January 1993
Redcloud Peak36,722January 1993
San Luis Hills10,240January 1993
Sewemup Mesa19,140January 1993
Skull Creek13,740January 1993
South Piney Creek10
Squaw/Papoose Canyon4,611January 1993
The Palisade26,050January 1993
Troublesome8,250January 1993
Upper Grape Creek10,200January 1993
Vale of Tears7,420January 1993
Weber Mountain6,303January 1993
Weminuche Contiguous1,840NA
West Cold Spring14,482January 1993
West Needles Creek Contiguous1,240NA
Whitehead Gulch1,500NA
Willow Creek13,368January 1993
Windy Gulch12,274January 1993
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Last modified: November 11, 2023

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